Te huur Amersfoort Noord, Bedrijfsruimte Van (2054)

Easy in, Easy Out! (Notice Period, of just two months) Are you a starter or a small firm, we have office space for you on terms and rates. The room is Equipped with gutter system with network and telephone cabling and powerpoints. Use of space on a network server and...

Easy in, Easy Out! (Notice Period, of just two months) Are you a starter or a small firm, we have office space for you on terms and rates. The room is Equipped with gutter system with network and telephone cabling and powerpoints. Use of space on a network server and Internet connection in agreement! (Sharing) In a convenient location of the modern brdrijventerrein

Type: huur
  • werkplek huren amersfoort
  • werkplek huren amersfoort
  • werkplek huren amersfoort
  • werkplek huren amersfoort
  • werkplek huren amersfoort


  • Adres:

  • Spaceshuttle 6

  • Postcode:

  • 3824ML

  • Plaats:

  • Amersfoort

  • Land:

  • Nederland

Kantoorpand inclusief

Kaart (Google Maps)


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